2021 AGM & Elections Notice and Registration

November 24, 2021 / Comments (1)



NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Alliance High School Old Boys Club (AHS OBC) will be held on Friday the 10th of December 2021 via the Zoom online platform starting at 4.00 PM.
The proposed agenda for the AGM is as below:

Ordinary business

  1. Confirmation of the Minutes of the last AGM held on the 25th of September 2020;
  2. Matters arising from the said Minutes;
  3. Patron’s Report;
  4. Chairman’s Report;
  5. AHS Endowment Fund Trust Report;
  6. Consideration of the Financial Statements and Auditors’ Report for the year ended 31st December 2020;
  7. Any other approved Business.

Special business

  1. The ratification of the Constitutional Amendments passed in the September 2018 AGM for
    purposes of compliance with the requirements of the Registrar of Societies.
  2. The AHS OBC Centenary Committee
  3. Election of members of the AHS OBC Executive Committee for the 2021 – 2023 term


Bonbegi Gesicho


NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to clauses 4.3 and 6 of the OBC Constitution, the Elections of Club Officers and Members of the Executive Committee shall be conducted during the Annual General Meeting of the Alliance High School Old Boys Club (AHS OBC) that will be held on Friday the 10th of December 2021 via the Zoom online platform starting at 4.00 PM.

  1. Background
    The AHS OBC is an alumni organisation that was registered with the Registrar of Societies in 1959.
    The Club’s main objective is to link Old Boys to the school and to one another.
    The membership of the OBC is drawn from graduates of the school, teachers, ex-teachers, senior
    members of staff and other members approved by the OBC as per the Club’s Constitution.
  2. Election of Executive Committee Members and Officers
    The Executive Committee is comprised of 14 paid up members elected to hold office for a period of two years and retire, unless re-elected;
    Officers of the club are: The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Assistant Secretary,
    Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer who are elected from among the 14 Executive Committee members.
    Voting by the attendees of the AGM shall be through secret ballot or by show of hands depending on the circumstances at the time of the election. Paid up members who will not be able to attend the
    AGM may vote via email from the 7th of December 2021 (further details shall be provided once the ballot papers are prepared).
  3. Request for nomination of Committee Members
    The term of the current Executive Committee expires this December 2021.
    You are hereby invited, within 14 days from the date of this notice, to nominate any eligible member of the Old Boys Club for purposes of vying for the election into the Executive Committee of the Club.
    A nominated candidate must be a paid-up member of the Club (ether an annual subscriber or a life member).
    Nominations should be sent to secretariat@ahsobc.org indicating the Name, School Number and Year of Graduation from AHS by Friday, 3rd December 2021. Old Boys are free to nominate themselves.

    It should be noted that the following members have so far been nominated or offered themselves for re-election or election into various positions as hereinbelow indicated:

    a) Maurice Nduranu – Chairman (re-election)
    b) Bonbegi Gesicho – Secretary (re-election)
    c) Kenneth Muchina – Treasurer (re-election)


Bonbegi Gesicho

Register for the upcoming 2021 AGM by providing your details in the form below. A link to the meeting will be sent to the registered participants.

One Response to :
2021 AGM & Elections Notice and Registration

  1. Richard Kioko Kiundi says:

    I look forward to the deliberations

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