Trinity Chapel
The Alliance High School, the heads of the four sponsoring founder Churches and Old Boys Club held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Alliance High School Trinity Chapel and Multipurpose Hall (“the Trinity Chapel”) on Friday 11, June 2021.
The Trinity Chapel will replace the Current Chapel and the Grieve Chapel which accommodate less than half the current student population. The Trinity Chapel is scheduled to be completed by the year 2026, in time for the AHS centenary celebrations. The project consultants estimate that the Chapel will cost KShs 200 million.
The Trinity Chapel is special for two reasons. Firstly, it will be the first Chapel to be constructed using locally sourced funds. The Grieve and Current Chapel were constructed using funds sources abroad by the founding missions. The sponsoring Churches committed to raising 40% of the construction funds. Secondly, the Trinity Chapel is driven by old boys, particularly the class of 1995. The Old Boys Club committed to mobilizing at least 50% of the construction costs i.e. KShs 100 million.
“Buy a Brick” campaign
“Buy a Brick” is an initiative of the Old Boys Club to raise funds for the construction of the Trinity Chapel. The Buy a Brick Campaign will run for a period of 12 months. The Endowment Fund Trust will keep custody of funds raised by old boys until the funds are disbursed for construction.
The Campaign will operate as follows:-
- The objective of the Campaign is to buy 100,000 bricks each at KShs 1,000 to raise KShs 100 million from old boys and friends of the OBC.
- In view of the Covid-19 restrictions, OBC will conduct an online “Buy a Brick” fundraiser every first Sunday of the Month.
- The OBC Secretariat will give a timely update of funds raised, analysed by classes. May the best class shine!
- Individual contributors will be immortalized by engraving their School Numbers on the main walkways of the Trinity Chapel.
How to participate

Collection Summary: